Dr. Thomas Taylor Shares Four Ways to Achieve a Healthier Lifestyle

dr. thomas v. taylor Healthy Lifestyle

Obesity is now considered a health epidemic in the United States. Approximately one out of three Americans are either overweight or obese, according to recent statistics. Even more shocking is the rate of obesity among children, which is virtually unheard of a couple of decades ago. Aside from this, obesity… Continue reading

Dr. Donald Littlejohn Helps Develop a Better Understanding of Your Back Pain

causes of back pain dr. donald littlejohn

Here’s a statistic that will probably not surprise you: Via the American Chiropractic Association (ACA), experts estimate that somewhere around 80 percent of the population will eventually deal with back pain. Back pain is also regarded as one of the most often cited reasons for being absent from work and… Continue reading

Dr. Nikesh Seth on Understanding Radiofrequency Ablation and How This Procedure Can Address Pain throughout Your Body

Dr. Nikesh Seth on Radiofrequency Ablation

Pain comes part and parcel with the human experience. Growing up, scraping your knees lets you know that you should be careful not to fall down. Injuries sustained by playing youth sports can teach you how to play better. Touching a hot kettle can teach the dangers of fire and… Continue reading

Thomas Ocheltree on the Merits of Dental Implants for Tooth Replacement

dental implants thomas ocheltree

When one loses a tooth, there are a few options for replacement of the missing tooth. Depending upon the location of the missing tooth, the problems for the patient can be embarrassment, discomfort when eating or acute pain. Since modern dentistry provides multiple options for tooth replacement, we spoke to… Continue reading

Allen Amorn Shares an Overview of Cardiology and the Common Conditions They Treat

allen amorn cardiology

The field of cardiology is described to be the branch of medicine that deals with abnormalities and diseases that impact the heart. Specialists in this field are called cardiologists and are often utilized in hospitals and other practices for medical consultations. Cardiovascular issues are a common reason for hospitalizations, so… Continue reading

Dr. Summit Shah Of Premier Allergy Offers Helpful Tips


Dr. Summit Shah of Premier Allergy offers the following helpful tips for seasonal allergies. …It is obviously most ideal for individuals with allergy- and asthma-related issues to visit an allergist prior to the onset of allergy season. In the meantime, however…understand the value of being informed regarding the additional measures… Continue reading