Dentists truly are part of your team for maintaining good health throughout your life. The condition of your teeth can often be an indicator of your current health, and good dental care can also help you to stay healthy. Karl Jobst Grove OK practice treats a wide variety of patients. Although he doesn’t always mention minor tooth problems to patients, he would like you to know about a number of issues that could have a bearing on your general health.
1 – The Amount of Coffee/Tea You Consume Is Affecting Your Teeth
Recent news reports are touting the benefits of coffee for better health, but excessive coffee or tea consumption can have a detrimental effect on your color of your teeth. Dr. Karl Jobst is unlikely to tell you to cut back on the consumption of these beverages but would like you to know that they can darken your teeth and cause you to turn to tooth whitening products to undo the damage.
2 – You Don’t Floss As Much As You Say
The dentist must accept whatever answer the patient provides about the frequency of flossing, but the truth is always revealed by the condition of your gums. Regular flossing makes an appreciable difference in gum health and can help to prevent gum disease and tooth loss. Flossing regularly can also help you to reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke, so take the time to do this easy self-care task on a daily basis. While Dr. Karl Jobst won’t nag you about flossing, he would like to you to keep in mind the importance of flossing on a regular basis.
3 – You Could Benefit From a Daily Vitamin Supplement
If you are on a restricted diet or are too busy to eat properly, you may have developed vitamin or mineral deficiencies that affect the condition of your teeth and gums. You may experience a burning tongue, frequent infections or delayed healing that could be a sign of a deficiency of important dietary components. Talk to your doctor about a suitable supplement if you have these symptoms.
4 – Your Bad Breath May Be An Acid Reflux Problem
Patients sometimes come to the dentist complaining of bad breath problems that may not be related to their teeth. Instead, it could be a problem with acid reflux from the stomach. Dr. Karl Jobst is not qualified to diagnose an acid reflux condition, but if you have frequent heartburn or acid reflux discomfort, you should talk to your primary care physician about medications that can help, which will also help your teeth at the same time.
5 – You Should Talk To Your Doctor About Diabetes
The poor condition of the gums, frequent abscesses and sensitivity could be a sign of a blood sugar problem. If you have problems with these issues, you should talk to your doctor about your symptoms and get tested for diabetes to ensure that high blood sugar is not affecting your health.
At the Dr. Karl Jobst Grove OK practice, you can rely on state-of-the-art equipment and the most current dental techniques available to help keep your smile attractive and your gums in good condition. But getting good dental care is only part of the equation that will help you to keep your teeth for a lifetime. Regular doctor visits and good habits will also contribute to maintaining dental health throughout your life.