Behavioral Changes Paramount in Creating a Healthy Lifestyle

As the obesity rate continues to rise in the United States, many individuals are rightly becoming concerned over their health. While losing weight should certainly be a goal of those dealing with issues related to obesity, there is a danger in the many strategies that promise to deliver exceptional results in a short period of time.

According to Luke Weil, a fitness enthusiast and Co-Founder at Andina Acquisition Corp., these quick fixes may sometimes result in weight loss but very rarely address the true issue: behavior. The key, according to Weil, is to adopt healthy behaviors that can be maintained over the course of a lifetime, not to go on a diet that drastically limits caloric intake or completely eliminates a food group that has nutritional value.

Weil notes that a sensible diet and a modest exercise routine will ultimately yield the health benefits that so many are seeking. This means that those dealing with obesity – or those who simply wish to avoid obesity in the future – should consider a diet that includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains (yes, carbohydrates), and animal products in moderation.

In addition to dietary changes, it is important to adopt a modest exercise routine that involves daily activity. For some, this may be as simple as taking a brisk walk each day, while others may wish to incorporate running, cycling or weight lifting. The key is to find a physical activity that is enjoyable, as people are just more likely to continue to exercise when they enjoy the time spent exercising.

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